Utils class
The class contains auxiliary functions such as explorer link generation, QR-code generation, quantity conversion, input sanitization, etc.
Method | Description |
Utils::currency() | Gets currency object from API |
Utils::getTransactionLink() | Return transaction link to explorer |
Utils::getAddressLink() | Return address link to explorer |
Utils::renderQr() | Return base64 encoded QR-code PNG string |
Utils::humanizeAmount() | Convert to decimal and trim trailing zeros if $zeroTrim set true |
Utils::min2cur() | Convert minor currency value to major |
Utils::cur2min() | Convert major currency value to minor |
Utils::fiatTocrypto() | Convert fiat value to crypto by request to the Apirone API |
Utils::isFiatSupported() | Check is fiat supported by Apirone |
Utils::sanitize() | Sanitize text input to prevent XSS & SQL injection |
Utils::sendJson() | Send JSON response |