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Invoice class

All classes are well documented in the code, so let's consider only the advanced invoice configuration options. Creating the logging, database and callbacks handlers was covered in Five steps guide, so we won't dwell on that here. The main class of the library is Apirone\SDK\Invoice. Almost all work with invoices is done through it.

Main invoice properties

$idinttable record ID (auto increment)
$orderintYour app OrderID. Set to 0 by default
$invoicestringInvoice Identifier
$statusstringInvoice current status
$detailsInvoiceDetailsResponse from Apirone API with invoice details.
$metaarrayArray for additional invoice parameters

A static property $settings is also available, which can contain an instance of Settings class.

Create invoice

You need to have an Apirone account to create an invoice. Use the Settings class to create and configure an account.

Invoice::init() returns a new invoice instance for further configuration and creation.

Invoice::fromFiatAmount() returns a new invoice instance with an already calculated amount from fiat currency to the specified cryptocurrency

Creation parameters

See API docs for a full description of the parameters.

Class methodAPI parameterDescription
currency()currencyCurrency type supported by service. Required
amount()amountAmount for the checkout in the selected currency
lifetime()lifetimeDuration of invoice validity (indicated in seconds) *
expire()expireInvoice expiration time in ISO-8601 format *
callbackUrl()callback-urlUsed for invoice status updates notifications
linkback()linkbackSuccess payment redirect url
userData()user-dataUser-data JSON-object or UserData class instance
order()-PaymentID value in your application. Used in SDK only

* - If both parameters are specified, the expire parameter will take precedence.

All methods return a $this object and support method chain calls.

User-data parameter

You can manually create this JSON object, but a more convenient way is to use the UserData class. This class has all the necessary methods to set properties and its use guarantees correct syntax of the object.

Usage example:

// ...
$invoiceUserData = UserData::init()
    ->setTitle('My invoice Title')
    ->setMerchant('Merchant name');
    ->setPrice('$ 100');

// ...

Create method

To create an invoice in the API, the create() method is used,after calling it you cannot change the invoice parameters. You will only be able to update the status and history of the invoice.


Create an invoice only after all the necessary properties have been set.

Once the invoice has been successfully created, a record with the invoice data is added to the table. The invoice property, which contains the invoice identifier, becomes available to you.

Existing invoice & order invoices

To retrieve an invoice from the database, execute the static method Invoice::getInvoice($invoice), where the invoice ID is used as a parameter.

In addition, you can update the invoice information by calling the update() method on the invoice instance. If the invoice data has changed, such as its status, it will be automatically updated in the database.

Methods for saving meta information on the invoice are also available to you if you need them. Use the setMeta($key, $value ) method to set and the getMeta($key) method to get the value.

If you set the order property when creating an invoice, you can retrieve all invoices associated with that payment.

Use getOrderInvoices($order) method for this and get an array with invoices or an empty array if no invoices are found.

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