Five-steps integration guide
These five steps will help you easily integrate the Apirone Payment Gateway into your application.
Step 1. Configure logs and database
We use callback functions for compatibility with different code to work with databases or logs.
Create a log handler
Create a static function and wrap the logging system in it as a callback. If you do not use logging, you can skip this step. Use the standard PSR-3: Logger Interface, which has a log()
method, or use your own function with the following parameters: log($level, $message, $context)
Simple "log to file" implementation:
use Apirone\SDK\Invoice;
$logger_handler = static function ($level, $message, $context) {
$log_file = '/path/to/log_file.txt';
$data = [$level, $message, $context];
file_put_contents($log_file, print_r($data, true) . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
// Set logger handler via Invoice class
Create database handler
As with logs, wrap the DB class or function used to manipulate the database into a callback function that is passed an SQL query as a parameter.
Once you have created your database callback function, simply set it as a DB handler.
$db_handler = static function ($query) {
// Your implementation here;
// Just run a sql query and return the result
Invoice table
After installing the DB-handler, create an invoice table in the database. To do this, just execute the InvoiceDB::install()
method once.
use Apirone\SDK\Service\InvoiceDb;
// Create an invoice table
Step 2. Working with Apirone callbacks
Create callbacks handler
The Apirone service informs you of invoice events with callbacks. Create a page that supports the POST method and add Invoice::callbackHandler()
call to it. You will use the URL of this page when creating the Invoice as a callback address.
Process callback data
When the callback is received you can process its data in your app. Create a handler and simply add it as a parameter to the Invoice::callbackHandler()
function. To authenticate the order in your app, set its ID to the Invoice::$order
property at the creation stage and get it from the invoice data at the callback processing stage.
$my_apirone_callback_handler = static function ($invoice) {
$my_app_order_id = $invoice->order;
// Process your business logic with $my_app_order_id here
Step 3. Apirone account
A special Settings class that allows you to work with accounts, currencies, invoice parameters, fees, etc.
New or existing account
If you don't have an account yet or want to create a new one, just init a new Settings object and call createAccount()
use Apirone\SDK\Model\Settings;
// Create a settings object and account.
$settings = Settings::init()->createAccount();
If you have already had an account, you can create a Settings object using the account ID and transfer key as parameters.
$settings = Settings::fromExistingAccount('account-id', 'transfer-key');
Setting up a forwarding
Destination addresses must be set before the invoice can be created. The destination is set separately, one for each currency.
If you do not specify a destination, no automatic forwarding will take place and funds will accumulate in the account.
// Set the BTC currency and the transfer address for forwarding
// Save currency settings into account
Save and restore Settings object
The easiest way to do this is to save the settings to a text file. It is also very easy to restore settings from the file. A more complicated variant is that you implement the way of storing settings yourself.
// Save to file
// Restore from file
$settings = Settings::fromFile('/absolute/path/to/settings.json');
Step 4. Invoice creating
A mandatory condition for creating an invoice is the presence of a database handler and a configured Settings object. To add the above, use the static methods of the Invoice class before creating an invoice instance.
// Setup DB and Settings into Invoice class
Invoice::db($db_handler, $table_prefix);
Unlike APIs, the library has two ways to create an invoice - set the amount in cryptocurrency or create from fiat currency. Let's look at both methods in more detail.
Via crypto amount
The mandatory parameter for creating an invoice is the currency. All other parameters are optional. Initialize the invoice with the desired currency and call the Invoice::create()
method. You can also set other parameters before you call the Invoice::create()
$simplest_invoice = Invoice::init('btc')->create();
If you have created the database function and the Settings object correctly, the result of the execution will be a created invoice and a record will be added to the invoice table. The created invoice will wait for any amount to be paid, after which its status will change to completed
To create a fixed amount invoice, you can set it up by calling the Invoice::init()
method or using the Invoice::amount()
method. The amount is indicated in minor units (e.g. 0.005 BTC shall be specified as 500000, e.g. for usdt@trx: 50 usd shall be specified as 50000000).
// 0.005 btc
$invoice_btc = Invoice::init('btc', 500000)->create();
// 50 usd via usdt@trx
$invoice_usdt = Invoice::init('usdt@trx')
Via fiat amount
If you have an amount in fiat currency, the first thing you need to do is convert it to cryptocurrency, as the API only supports creating an account in cryptocurrency.
But the library has a special method Invoice::fromFiatAmount()
that will do it for you. The amount specified in fiat will be converted to cryptocurrency automatically.
// Create an invoice for 99.50 USD via BTC
$invoice_from_fiat = Invoice::fromFiatAmount(99.50, 'usd', 'btc');
// Instead of this comment, you can set other invoice parameters.
// Finally call create() method
See the list of supported fiat currencies.
Step 5. Displaying an Invoice
The library provides methods that will allow you to add an invoice to your HTML. A special Render class that will allow you to do this.
Dynamic data update
Create a page that supports the POST method, set its address using the Invoice::dataUrl()
method, and then add a call to the Invoice::renderAjax()
// Set invoice dataUrl via Invoice class
// Return invoice data
Displaying an invoice
Add src/assets/css/styles.css
and src/assets/js/script.js
to the page where you want to display the invoice.
In the right place in the HTML markup, add a call to the Invoice::renderLoader()
method. On this page, you should have the DB handler added and the Settings object loaded just like in Step 4. See the code below for an example.
use Apirone\SDK\Invoice;
use Apirone\SDK\Model\Settings;
// Setup DB and Settings
Invoice::db($db_handler, $table_prefix);
// Setup Invoice Data Url
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="/assets/js/script.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="/assets/css/styles.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<body style="margin: 0;">
<?php echo Invoice::renderLoader(); ?>
For more invoice display and configuration settings, explore the Render class.
What's Next?
Dive deeper - by learning the classes of the library, you will be able to control all available parameters more flexibly and make more fine-tuning and use the full power of the library!