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UserData class

This class allows you to configure Invoice user-data property using setters to set values rather than json format.

See API docs for a full description of the parameters.

Class methodAPI parameterDescription
setTitle()titleInvoice title
setMerchant()merchantMerchant name
setUrl()urlMerchant url
setPrice()priceDisplays the total price in fiat
setSubPrice()sub-priceDisplays amount in fiat before adding discount, tax or shipping charges
setItems()itemsConsists of objects with predefined fields: name, cost, qty (quantity), total
setExtras()extrasAdditional elements on an invoice e.g fees, taxes or shipping price

The addOrderItem() and addExtraItem() functions are used to add items to the items and extras arrays respectively. Add instances of the OrderItem and ExtraItem classes into arrays.

Getters are also available for all properties. The arrays items and extras can be obtained using getItems() and getExtras().

Example of user-data object as JSON:

"user-data": {
    "title": "Invoice for shop",
    "merchant": "SHOP",
    "url": "",
    "price": "$170",
    "sub-price": "$160",
    "items": [
            "name": "box",
            "cost": "$10",
            "qty": 10,
            "total": "$100"
            "name": "hat",
            "cost": "$5",
            "qty": 10,
            "total": "$50"
            "name": "cap",
            "cost": "$1",
            "qty": 10,
            "total": "$10"
    "extras": [
            "name": "Shipping",
            "price": "$5"
            "name": "Tax name",
            "price": "$5"

Same data via UserData class:

$userData = UserData::init()
    ->setTitle('Invoice for shop')
    ->addOrderItem("box", "$10", 10, "$100")
    ->addOrderItem("hat", "$5", 10, "$50")
    ->addOrderItem("cap", "$1", 10, "$10")
    ->addExtraItem("Tax name","$5");

// Set to invoice

User-data example result:

User-data invoice result

Thus, the UserData class makes it easy to add custom data to an invoice and influence its appearance.

Released under the MIT License.