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Settings class

The second most important class is the Apirone\SDK\Model\Settings class, which is used to handle the account, retrieve network and currency lists, set forwarding addresses and policy fees, and store common invoice and SDK parameters such as lifetime, title, debug, etc.

Creating and saving

There are several methods for creating an instance of a class.

With new account

If you haven't already had an Apirone account, now is the time to create one. Just create an instance of the class using the Settings::init() method and call the createAccount() method;

use Apirone\SDK\Model\Settings;

$settings = Settings::init()->createAccount();

Use existing account

If you have already had an account and you want to create a Settings object, use special static function fromExistingAccount() with the account ID and transfer key as parameters.

$account = 'apr-f9e1211f4b52a50bcf3c36819fdc4ad3';
$transferKey = '4sSm9aeXQiqMBmeEs42NTjZidJuGrqm7';

$settings = Settings::fromExistingAccount($account, $transferKey);

Account credentials

Use the getAccount() and getTransferKey() methods to get the values of account and transfer-key.

Save and restore

Three methods of saving an object are available to you:

// Save to file

// Get as JSON object
$json_settings = $settings->toJson();

// Get as string. Use JSON_PRETTY_PRINT or 128 as parameter to get pretty print.
$json_settings = $settings->toJsonString();
Settings.json example
<!--@include: /settings.json-->

Use two methods for restore:

// From file
$file_settings = Settings::fromFile('/absolute/path/to/file.json');

// From JSON-object or string
$json_settings = Settings::fromJson($settings);

Currencies and networks

Currencies are all the cryptocurrencies that Apirone supports. The list of supported currencies can be obtained via API or by using the Settings::getCurrencies() method.

A network refers to a blockchain, for example, Bitcoin is both a currency and a network. Similarly, Tron is both a currency and a network. At the same time, USDT or USDC using the Tron network as a carrier is both currency and token. If you need a list of networks use the Settings::getNetworks() method.


If the currency abbr property contains @, this is an indication that the currency is a token. For example, trx is a network, usdt@trx is a Tron-based token.

As mentioned above, use the getCurrencies() or getNetworks() methods to get a list of currencies and return an array of Currency classes. You can also get any currency by its abbreviation using the getCurrency(‘abbr’) method.

The loadCurrencies() method gets the currency settings from the account and updates the local values for each of them. You must then save the Settings object locally.

To save the local currency changes to the account, use the saveCurrencies() method;

Additional Parameters storage

Meta property

Use the meta property to store additional parameters. This is a stdClass with key-value parameters.

To add and update items, use addMeta(‘key’, ‘value’). To get or delete an item by key, use getMeta(‘key’) and deleteMeta(‘key’) respectively.

To get the entire object, use $settings->getMeta(). The $settings->meta($json) method sets the entire object.

Predefined and Extra props


These properties and methods will be deprecated and removed in future versions.

The class has predefined properties that are used for general invoice settings and display. Working with parameters is done through getters and setters. For more details see properties and methods of the class.

Use the property name to get the value and call the property name as a method with the value to set. You can use a call chain to set values.

PropertySet value methodGet value methodDescription
titlesetTitle()getTitle()Invoice title
merchantsetMerchant()getMerchant()Merchant name
merchantUrlsetMerchantUrl()getMerchantUrl()Merchant store URL
timeoutsetTimeout()getTimeout()Invoice lifetime
factorsetFactor()getFactor()Amount adjustment factor
backLinksetBackLink()setBackLink()Invoice backlink
logosetLogo()getLogo()Show the logo on the invoice
qrOnlysetQrOnly()getQrOnly()Show qrCode template
debugsetDebug()getDebug()Debug mode
extrasetExtraObj()getExtra()Extra properties stdCLass

In case you need to store additional parameters, use setExtra(‘key’, ‘value’) and getExtra(‘key’).

Released under the MIT License.